Personnummer Required

ID numbers now required by registry regulations

When registering a new domain name, additional information is required by some Top Level Domains.

At, we value your privacy and personal rights. We strive to create the best user experience we can while maintaining the expectations of governing bodies and international law.

The .NU and .SE Top Level Domain require that all all domain name registrants supply their Personal ID number, also known as Personnummer (Sweden), CPR number (Denmark), BSN number (Netherlands), National Identity Number (Norway), or BN number (Canada).

If your domain name is registered to a corporation instead of to an individual, then please provide the corporate ID number/organization number instead of the Personal ID number in the ID Number field.

If an organization number or corporate ID number is entered, the Organization field (i.e., the organization's or company's name) is mandatory. If you are providing a personal ID number/personnummer then the Organization field should be left blank.

It is important to have your personnummer or ID number associated with your domain as it will ensure correct ownership.

For details, please refer to sections 3.1.1 and 4.1.1.ii of the .NU Terms and Conditions.

Section 3.1.1 states:

3.1.1 Any natural person or legal entity with a personal identification number or corporate identity number, or that can be identified via a registration designation in a register maintained by a governmental authority, or by an organization exercising state authority, may apply for registration of a Domain Name under the top-level domain .nu. For foreign Domain Holders, a unique identification number can be used instead.

In addition, all other customer contact information must be complete, correct, and correctly formatted. If your information is not valid, your registration may fail. If your information is incorrect or incomplete and cannot be validated by the registry, you run the risk your existing domain being deregistered.

Please ensure that all data in your account is correct before attempting to register a new .NU domain name. If you are a Swedish resident or represent a Swedish organization, your personal or organization ID number must be present in your account. Additional Nordic and European countries are currently having this requirement introduced as well.

Before registering a new .NU domain name for the first time, please create an account and make sure that your Personal ID Number has been entered. New .NU registration attempts made without being logged in to your account and without this number being entered in the correct format will fail.

To add your Personal or Corporate ID number, after logging in to your Customer Area:

For Swedish residents, the number should be of the form:


For non-Swedish residents, the form should be:


where CC is the two-letter country-code (“Alpha-2 code”) for your country and nnnnnnnn is your unique, identifying sequence of numbers or letters – for example, your national ID number.


Denmark: [DK]ddmmyy-nnnn

Norway: [NO]ddmmyy-nnnkk

Finland: [FI]ddmmåå-nnnk or [FI]ddmmååannnk

If you are using an organization number instead of a personal ID number, the format may be different.

Once your Personal ID Number (Personnummer) or Corporate ID Number has been entered and you are logged in to your account, you will be able to successfully register new .NU domain names without error.

Please know that all contact details of individuals, including ID number, are required by the .NU registry but remain completely private and are not disclosed, as is required by privacy regulations. Please refer to our Whois privacy and .NU knowledgebase article for additional information.

The above ID requirement applies to the .NU Top Level Domain and to the .SE Top Level Domain.

  • personnummer, id number, .nu, .se, corporate id number, personal id number, privacy
  • 5 Kunder som kunne bruge dette svar
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